Book Distribution ISKCON: Quotes, Prayers, Stories, Tips, & Significance

The Divine Legacy of Book Distribution: Spreading Srila Prabhupada’s Mission Worldwide
Imagine placing a simple book into someone’s hands, only to find out later that it saved their life or inspired them to pursue spiritual growth. This is the transformative power of book distribution, an act of sharing Srila Prabhupada’s transcendental wisdom with the world. In the heart of the Krishna Consciousness Movement, book distribution stands as a timeless mission of profound spiritual importance to plant seeds of knowledge and hope, one page at a time.
Srila Prabhupada, the founder-acharya of ISKCON, envisioned it as the cornerstone of the movement’s preaching efforts. By spreading the divine teachings of Lord Krishna, these books transform lives, awaken dormant spirituality, and pave the way for global transcendence. As Srila Prabhupada emphasised:
"Actually producing and distributing books is our most important engagement; all other engagements culminate in this one end - distribution of books."
- (Letter to Tamala Krsna, 1973)
What Is Book Distribution? More Than Just Sharing Books
Book distribution is the heartfelt act of spreading spiritual knowledge through Srila Prabhupada's writings. These books, filled with Vedic wisdom, are not just literature; they are guides to living a purposeful, enlightened life. Whether it’s a Bhagavad Gita in someone’s hands or an ebook shared online, every distribution creates an opportunity for transformation.
Moreover, book distribution is not just an act of service but a profound offering of Krishna’s message to the world. As with every year, this year too, for 45 days every year, devotees of ISKCON, the Hare Krishna Movement (HKM), and enthusiastic volunteers are coming together to fulfil Srila Prabhupada’s cherished desire: spreading the timeless teachings of Lord Krishna through books.
This massive campaign transforms ordinary days into a divine mission and stands as an inspiration for everyone involved to contribute to the spiritual upliftment of humanity. In the words of Srila Prabhupada himself:
"These books are the real solid basis for Krishna's consciousness. It is because of these books that the movement will spread all over the world."
- (Letter to Mahamsa, Bombay, 1973)
Additionally, book distribution is not only a spiritual act but also a practical one. It supports the maintenance of temples, the printing of new books, and the expansion of preaching activities worldwide.
As Srila Prabhupada assured his followers:
"If we simply rely on book distribution, all our needs will be met."
- (Letter to Rupanuga, 1976)
A Movement Rooted In Vision: How It All Began
As we already read, book distribution is sharing transcendental literature, primarily authored by Srila Prabhupada, with people from all walks of life. It serves as a medium to introduce spiritual wisdom and inspire people to embrace Krishna consciousness. The practice of book distribution traces back to Srila Prabhupada’s unwavering dedication. His dream was to spread Krishna’s teachings far and wide, believing that books could transcend borders and cultures. Inspired by his spiritual master, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur, Srila Prabhupada emphasised books over temples, saying, “Books are the basis.”
This transformative practice was initiated by Srila Prabhupada himself in the early days of ISKCON. Inspired by the mood of his spiritual master, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur, who stressed publishing and distributing literature, Srila Prabhupada made book distribution the foundation of the movement’s outreach efforts.
Why Book Distribution Is A Divine Service?
The distribution of Srila Prabhupada's books is much more than a philanthropic act. Each book carries the essence of Krishna's teachings, acting as a beacon for those lost in the darkness of the material world. The act of book distribution and donation opens up an otherworldly set of benefits that can be availed of by no other means.
1. A Personal Offering to Krishna
Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita:
"He who teaches this supreme secret to the devotees, his devotional service is guaranteed, and at the end, he will come back to Me."
- (Bhagavad Gita 18.68)
When devotees distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books, they actively share Krishna’s divine message, pleasing the Lord and paving their way to spiritual liberation.
Krishna also assures His devotees:
"In this endeavour, there is no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear."
- (Bhagavad Gita 2.40)
Take a step toward Krishna today, and watch as his blessings transform your life.
2. Books That Transform Lives
Srila Prabhupada’s books, such as Bhagavad Gita As It Is and Srimad Bhagavatam, are not ordinary publications. They are infused with a spiritual potency that consistently guides readers to understand life’s purpose and come closer to Krishna.
3. A Service to Humanity
In this age of Kali Yuga, ignorance, materialism, and suffering dominate human life. Srila Prabhupada described book distribution as a weapon against this ignorance:
"The more the books are distributed, the more the ignorance of the Age of Kali will be smashed."
- (Letter to Balavanta, 1976)
Each book carries Krishna’s divine teachings, acting as a guide for self-realisation and eternal bliss. By distributing books, devotees offer others an opportunity to transcend the material world and connect with the divine.
4. Spreading Krishna’s Message Far and Wide
Srila Prabhupada’s vision extended beyond the confines of temples. He encouraged active preaching, often likening book distribution to a spiritual battle:
"The temple is a place not for eating and sleeping but as a base from which we send out our soldiers to fight with Maya. Fight with Maya means to drop thousands and millions of books into the lap of the conditioned souls."
- (Letter to Ramesvara, 1973)
What Makes Srila Prabhupada’s Books Special
Surely, there may be thousands of authors with countless books out there, and that might cause you to wonder what makes Srila Srila Prabhupada’s books unique. His commentaries are unique because they present Krishna’s teachings without distortion or speculation. They are rooted in the unbroken tradition of the Gaudiya Vaishnava lineage, which is an utmost assurance of authenticity and spiritual depth which no other author or publisher can replicate.
Why Reading These Books Is Redemption In Kali Yuga
In the age of Kali, when chaos and distractions dominate, Srila Prabhupada’s books serve as a refuge. They provide clarity, solace, and a roadmap to transcend material miseries, which together form a nectar of devotion and knowledge that anyone who reads once falls in love with and craves for more. For the spiritually inclined and the curious alike, his books unlock the secrets of self-realisation, devotion, and ultimate liberation.
In Srila Prabhupada’s own words:
"These books are the best engagement for anyone, anywhere, anytime. By reading them, one becomes purified, his heart becomes cleansed, and he becomes eligible for Krishna's mercy."
- (Letter to Bali-mardana, Calcutta, 1971)
How Book Distribution Brings One Closer To Krishna
In the age of Kali, distributing these transcendental books is akin to distributing Krishna’s knowledge and guidance. When you give someone Srila Prabhupada’s books, you offer them the chance to connect with Krishna’s divine teachings, which deeply pleases the Lord.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna proclaims:
"There is no servant in this world more dear to Me than he, nor will there ever be one more dear."
- (Bhagavad Gita 18.69)
By participating in book distribution, you not only uplift others but also secure your position as a beloved servant of Krishna.
Srila Prabhupada’s Vision For The Future
Srila Prabhupada’s ultimate desire was to see Krishna’s teachings reach every corner of the world. In his own words:
"Print books as many as possible and distribute them. This is our main program. All other programs are secondary."
- (Room Conversation, 1977)
With unwavering dedication and enthusiasm, ISKCON and the Hare Krishna Movement continue to fulfil this vision, touching millions of lives globally.
A Call To Join The Mission
Inspired by Srila Prabhupada’s encouragement, devotees continually aim to increase book distribution. As he famously remarked:
"This movement is becoming an epidemic... The main thing is to distribute books."
- (Letter to Balavanta, 1976)
Are you inspired by the devotion of ISKCON and the Hare Krishna Movement Jaipur? Do you wish to make a contribution to spreading Krishna’s message? Here’s how you can be a part of this divine mission and seek the blessings of the Supreme Personality Of Godhead, Sri Krishna:
How You Can Help
- Dedicate A Day - Set aside one day to participate in this sacred service, no matter how busy your schedule is. Krishna rewards those who prioritise His mission.
- Volunteer For Book Distribution - Join the passionate teams of devotees and volunteers at your nearest Hare Krishna Mandir, ISCKON or the Gupt Vrindavan Dham. The joy of seeing someone accept Krishna’s teachings is unparalleled.
- Support Through Gita Daan - Even if you can’t personally distribute books, you can support the campaign financially or through Gita Daan to support others to carry the message forward.
Duration of the Book Distribution Marathon - The marathon lasts the entire month of December and a part of the following month, with a special focus on distributing the Bhagavad Gita on Gita Jayanti and Mokshada Ekadashi.
The Mood Of Book Distribution - Book distribution is not just about numbers but about connecting people with Krishna. The spirit of selflessness and compassion defines the core of spreading Krishna Consciousness.
Encouragement For Digital Participation - For those unable to participate in physical distribution, sharing ebooks or engaging in online Gita Daan initiatives is equally impactful. Spreading Krishna’s wisdom digitally can reach a global audience and is an excellent way to serve.
The Secret Sauce To Successful Book Distribution
- Personal Touch: Approach people with humility and share your connection to the books.
- Storytelling: Relate real-life stories of transformation, like the man in the motel who rediscovered life through the Gita.
- Team Effort: Work collaboratively, as Shama Rasika’s family did, dividing tasks for maximum impact.
- Digital Outreach: Can’t join physical campaigns? Share ebooks or use social media to spread Krishna’s message. You can also participate in the Gita Daan as an act of service to Krishna.
A Prayer for Book Distribution: Seeking Devotion, Strength, and Intelligence
Today, we’re again going out into the battlefield
where the three modes are highly prominent,
in order to carry out the order of my Guru Maharaj,
Om Vishnupada Paramhansa 108 Sri Srimad His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.
He had worked tirelessly day & night to write & print these books despite all the challenges,
reading which, we all were saved from the hellish condition of life.
We, as poor beggars, can never even think of paying back what we have received from Srila Prabhupada.
He has spread Your Lordships’ glories throughout the world.
Now, it’s our duty to show our sincerity and seriousness, by distributing these timebombs (books).
O Srila Prabhupada! O Gauranga! O Nityananda!
Please give me the required devotion, strength & intelligence:
To deeply understand that I’m incapable of bringing anyone to You.
It’s just for my own purification, I am being used as an instrument by my Guru Maharaj to bring sincere souls to him. -
To see this service as the highest welfare activity for the entire mankind.
To see other jivas approaching me for my purification as being directed & sent by the Supersoul residing in their hearts.
To make me understand it very deeply that my 5-minute preaching has no value. Better let me bring any talk to the books and encourage them to find elaborate answers to their questions themselves in these books.
To shield myself from being attached to the results of this service. My gain is solely in the service of holding books in my hand and sincerely approaching others jivas.
That’s it! I have nothing to do with whether they take the books or not. These all happen as per your wishes & plans. My job is simply to tell them about You through books. -
To avoid offending any jiva or being harsh on them for their materialistic life devoid of the real purpose.
If I’m not kind & compassionate to each one of them in general, then it’s simply my false ego of being a so-called “devotee” and hence it’s a disservice from my end!
At the same time, I must encourage them to think & learn about these transcendental subject matters by reading these books. -
To always vibrate my uncontrolled tongue in ALWAYS CHANTING HARE KṚṢṆA, no matter what the circumstances are in the battlefield of book distribution.
Let me dedicate the entire service for the pleasure of the Nāma Prabhu with the hope that He will bestow upon me some drops of attachment towards Him when I chant Japa the very next day.
Please Help!
Dear Gaura Nitai,
Your imperfect & insignificant instrument.
...if you so desire.
I am extremely, extremely thankful & grateful for today’s engagement you gave me in order to face my own anarthas in the battlefield of maya, to face various challenges.
You were so kind to me today to inspire so many souls from their hearts to take a book from me with so much curiosity & interest, to talk with me for a couple of minutes, or even to look at me and at least say “HARE KRISHNA!” back.
With my tiny & limited intelligence, I can never comprehend what impact these timebombs will have on those super fortunate jivas who brought home Srila Prabhupada’s books.
Certainly, they are very dear to You!
Please forgive me for my shortcomings & offences I might have committed knowingly and unknowingly while showing them these books.
After this highly purifying service, now it’s my responsibility to prepare myself and become stronger for the next day’s war.
Now, please LET ME go deep into these books myself first, to realise their impact on my consciousness, so that I can be enthused and encouraged to try to pass them on to others.
Let me maintain the purity of high standards in order to participate in this service nicely as PURITY IS THE FORCE in the book distribution seva & preaching especially.
Let me chant my Japa nicely, not thinking about the details of the service but getting into the mood of begging for more such services and realizing my helpless condition in this material world without Your Holy Name’s association.
Thank You!
Dear Gaura Nitai,
Your imperfect & insignificant instrument.
...if you so desire.
Srila Prabhupada's Special Quotes on Book Distribution
- Krishna Consciousness is a serious education, not an ordinary religion.
(Science of Self Realizaton ~ Chapter 1) - Distribution of books and magazines is our most important activity. Without books, our preaching has no solid basis.
- I promise you this: if you distribute my books until your dying day, lord chaitanya will personally come and take you back home, back to godhead
- The most important aspect of our preaching is kirtana. Induce people to chant, that is the only thing. Then everything else will follow. The goal is to make devotees and books. Both are required. Distributing the books will make devotees.
- It is so very nice to hear how the book distribution is going on. THIS IS OUR MAIN BUSINESS Distributing these books all over the world, and thus turning the minds of the fallen souls towards Krishna.
(Letter to: Sri Govinda - Calcutta 31 January, 1973) - There is no literature throughout the universe like Srimad Bhagavatam. There is no comparison. There is no competition. Every word is for the good of human society. Somehow or other, if a book goes in someone's hand, he will be benefited.... Therefore we are stressing so much, 'Please distribute books, distribute books, distribute books'.
- Many fanatic spiritual movements have come and gone, but without the flawless philosophy of Krishna, they cannot stand. Therefore I want especially that my books and literature should be distributed profusely. This is our substance, real philosophical information, not some weak sentiments. So try for this, to give all men this Krishna philosophy, and many real devotees will come with us back to Home. back to Godhead.
(Letter to Lalita Kumar, 27 November 1971) - If you simply push on this one activity of distributing my books. your all success will be there. I have hatched this "Transcendental Plot' for getting money by selling my books, and if we stick only to this plan and use our brain for selling books, there will easily be sufficient money.
(Letter to Lalita Kumar, 15 November 1971) - Go on selling books. My Guru Maharaja was very much anxious about selling books and preaching, so you are pleasing him by this bombastic flood of books all over the world.
- Please also try to introduce our books in colleges and schools as well as local libraries. I have received word from other centers that our literatures are very well received and often they are being used as course textbooks in the schools and colleges. You are already preaching on the university campuses, so you add this book distribution to your program and make it complete with preaching, chanting of Hare Krishna mahamantra, distribution of prasadam and literatures. I know how well this program is received by the students because they are very intelligent. You are also very intelligent and devotee of Krishna and Krishna will give you even more intelligence in proportion to your endeavor to serve Him faithfully.
(Letter to Nayanabhiram, 25 October 1970) - I am very glad to hear how the book distribution is increasing more and more. This is our greatest weapon. The more the books are distributed, the more the ignorance of the Age of Kali will be smashed. The world is feeling the weight \of this Hare Krishna Movement, especially in your country. We have to increase this book distribution work more and more to firmly establish this Movement. which is the only hope for the suffering living entities.
(Letter to Balavanta 23rd November, 1976) - So go on with your organization for distribution of my books through press and other modern media and Krishna will certainly be pleased upon you. We can use everything -television, radio, movies, or whatever there may be--to tell about Krishna and outside of devotional service all these modern paraphernalin are just so much rubbish.
(Letter to bhagavan, 29 june, 1970) - Krsna becomes more and more pleased by seeing the increment of book distribution. Devotional service is absolute but one who preaches His message becomes very dear to Lord Krsna.
(Letter to Jayatirtha 27th October, 1976) - I do not want MONEY, or BUILDING or anything else, I simply want to see that my BOOKS are being DISTRIBUTED.
(Srila Prabhupada's letter dated August 28, 1973) - Don't feel yourself to be alone because Krishna is always with you. Krishna is always with every living entity as Supersoul, and to His devotee especially He talks and gives instructions how to attain the perfectional stage of meeting Him. So don't feel alone. Always chant whenever possible, read our books, and there will be no great difficulty."
(Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Ananda - San Francisco 3 April, 1969) - I'm especially PLEASED to hear that your distribution of our books and magazines has INCREASED. Go on in this way, increasing MORE AND MORE.
(Srila Prabhupada's letter dated December 3, 1971) - Now I am trying for printing arrangement and this book also can be nicely printed provided you take charge of distribution. I am very much anxious for sale of my books. It has to be organized; please think over this matter. If the books are not properly sold how I can print so many books.
(Letter to kirtananda, 27 APRIL, 1967) - I shall never die, I shall live forever in my books.
- Many fanatic spritual movements have come and gone, but without the flawless philosophy of Krishna, they cannot stand. Therefore I want especially that my books and literature should be distributed profusely. This is our substance, real philosophical information, not some weak sentiments. So try for this, to give all men this Krishna Philosophy, and many real devotees will come with us back to Home, back to Godhead.
- My first concern is that my books shall be published and distributed profusely all over the world.
- Whatever free time you have, engage in reading my books. Otherwise, an idle mind is a devil's workshop.
(Letter to: Nalinikanta --Bombay 13 April, 1977) - 66 Distribution of books and magazines is our most important activity. Without books, our preaching has no solid basis.
(Letter to cyavana 26 december 1971)
In a world burdened by suffering and confusion, Srila Prabhupada’s books are a beacon of hope. Whether through physical or digital distribution, this service carries the potential to uplift humanity, one book at a time. It is a divine service that connects souls to Krishna and fulfils Srila Prabhupada’s cherished mission. It is the heart of his mission and a divine opportunity to serve Krishna directly. As Srila Prabhupada remarked:
"Distribute books, distribute books, distribute books, that is my life and soul."
- (Letter to Tamal Krishna, Los Angeles, 1973)
As devotees, volunteers, or supporters, each of us has a role to play in this transcendental endeavor. The next time you come across the opportunity to distribute a book or share an ebook, remember the countless lives you could touch. Every book handed over is a step closer to spreading Krishna’s message and fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s vision. Let us embrace this opportunity to serve Krishna, spread His message, and bring joy and peace to the world. Join this movement today to spread Krishna’s teachings and bring light to the world, one book at a time.
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